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Hey Beautiful Couples!

In the midst of quarantined life I pray that everyone is healthy and enjoying one another. Here’s a quick list of somethings to enjoy while you have this “extra” quality time together.

Couple FUN Things to do @ Home:

  • Play board games – Couples that have fun together are couples that are happy together. Board games, card games, or doing a jigsaw puzzle will keep you interacting with one another but give you something to do so you’re not just “hanging out.” Have a variety of different games to choose from…trivia, strategy to the childhood games of your past.
  • Cook together – Go online together and find recipes for new things that you’ve never tried to make at home before. Yummy desserts, appetizers or new salad creation. Get together in the kitchen without a lot of distractions. The act of cooking and dining with each other can be fun, new, intimate, and will bring you closer together. (Hopefully not extra pounds 🤗🤪)
  • Play video games – One or both of you might have enjoyed playing video games before, but playing can be a lot more enjoyable together. Choose games where you can team up against others or find ones where you can battle each other. Again, it’s all about having fun.
  • Do indoor/outdoor exercises – Find FREE online exercises (you tube) that you can do together. On take a walk/run. You’ll get your heart rate going and feel the endorphins start pumping…something that’s a lot more fun with a partner!
  • Make art or music – Being creative together is a great way to really enhance the relationship. Paint, or look through old pictures of you two. Find something that appeals to you both, whether it’s picking at a guitar, playing the piano or making collages out of old magazines.
  • Work on home improvement/garden/landscape – Couples that live together can come together by finding ways to improve the home they share. Create a list of projects that you would like to work on, and start checking things off of the list, one by one. Working together to create your home is a great way to connect!
  • Make life/bucket lists – Take time to brainstorm all of the things that you’ve never done but would like to do before you die. The things on the list can be as mundane as “make a cake from scratch” or as wild as “visit every national park in the country.” Make your life lists separately and then share them/pray about accomplishing them…you’ll be amazed how much you learn about each other.
  • Picnic indoors – If you’re both feeling like just laying down and watching a movie, do it with some romance. Put together a sparkling juice or wine and cheese picnic basket, spread a blanket out on the floor, and get ready to have a better-than-normal evening. This is one of the top couples activities for romance!
  • Dance together – T & I frequently enjoy putting on music from ALEXA and just dancing. Sometimes we get interrupted by kids & have a family dance off too! 😂💃🏾

These are just somethings to keep you connecting! I’m thankful that the Lord holds our future and He’s in control…stay focused & continue to pray. 🙏🏾
Miss you all!
Terrell and Kenya P