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Money Matters

Money Matters

Happy Friday Marriage Focused Family! We have been discussing a lot of money matters in our home. From college prep to compound interest. From savings accounts and checking account to money market accounts. From jobs that pay money to chores where you don’t get paid...
Our Office is the World!

Our Office is the World!

If this your first time visiting, welcome! If not, welcome back. I wanted to share a quick drawing I created while in the car as a family when complaining about not having a great work space at home to my Wife. Kids say the darnedest thing…they were laughing and...
Marriage Prayer: Making Ends Meet

Marriage Prayer: Making Ends Meet

Dear Lord, Please help those trying to use what they have to do all they can to make ends meet. May your Holy Spirit reveal to them what they can do and equip them to be able to do it. May you continue to be our provision no matter what. We trust in you God and we...
Money Matters

Money Matters

“Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful on the ground that they are brothers; rather they must serve all the better since those who benefit by their good service are believers and beloved. Teach and urge these things. If anyone teaches a different...